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   Juvenile Adjudication / Certification / Youthful Offender

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A, B,C - D, E, F - G, H, I, J - K, L - M, N,O - P, Q, R - S,T,UV,W  - X,Y, Z

- A, B, C-

A.B.H. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2002-247 (June 5, 2002)
(State did not meet its burden of showing the public would not be adequately protected if Appellant were sentenced as a Youthful Offender. Trial court's order treating Appellant as adult reversed and remanded.)

A.M. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2010-788 (January 19, 2011)
(Youthful Offender; Sentence, Abuse of Discretion) Trial court abused its discretion in ordering sentencing as adult. Findings were that defendant could complete rehabilitation plan and public could be protected. Reversed for sentencing as a Youthful Offender if convicted.

B.D.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J- 2001-80 (May 14, 2001)
(Juvenile Certification, Lack of Service, Remanded to treat as youthful offender)

B.J.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2011-0475 (October 25, 2011)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) State’s failure to appeal certification of client as juvenile cannot be circumvented by dismissing the juvenile action and refiling as an adult/YO case.

C.C. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2004-741 (November 9, 2004)
(Juvenile adjudication) Adjudication affirmed, but the restitution order modified and/or clarified to reflect the total amount to be paid by Appellant and his co-defendant.

C.C.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2009-0091 (May 22, 2009)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Sentence, Abuse of Discretion) Trial court abused its discretion in ordering sentencing as an adult. Reversed and remanded for sentencing as a Youthful Offender should he be convicted of the charged crimes.

C.J. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2004-1117 (March 2, 2005)
(Youthful Offender; Information, Defective) Defendant improperly charged in Amended Information as an Adult for three counts of Assault/ Shooting with Intent to Kill. Bind over order reversed with instructions to modify to show that defendant is to be tried as a Youthful Offender.

C.L.P. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2020-87 (July 30, 2020) (Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Adjudication on forcible sodomy vacated and modified to alternate theory of lewd  proposals/acts.

- D, E, F

- D.H.D. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2004-305 (June 23, 2004)
(Youthful Offender) Appellant met his burden to overcome presumption that he should be treated as adult and to prove he should be certified as a Youthful Offender in 1st Degree Murder case.

D.I.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2013-0130 (June 14, 2013)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Evidence, Sufficiency) Adjudication on three counts of A&B with Dangerous Weapon vacated with instructions to dismiss due to insufficient evidence.

D.N.H. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2005-1078 (January 26, 2006)  (Youthful Offender) Motion to sentence defendant as an adult was not heard before trial began, as required by statute. Remanded with instructions that defendant be sentenced as a youthful offender.

D.S.C. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2014-0646 (October 23, 2014)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Abuse of Discretion) Waiver of jury trial premised upon entry to program that turned out to be unavailable. Trial court abused discretion in failing to restore right to a jury trial. Reversed and remanded.

D.R.F. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2010-653 (December 1, 2010)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Sentence, Abuse of Discretion) Evidence revealed Appellant was amenable to treatment and likely to be rehabilitated. Belief that Appellant would discontinue treatment/rehabilitation without adult sanction was an erroneous presumption. "The speculative fear that Appellant might discontinue treatment is not great enough to override the statute’s favoring of juvenile retention." District Court order sustaining State’s motion to certify as an adult reversed with instructions to retain as a child.

E.A.F. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2015-353 (August 27, 2015)
(Youthful Offender) Trial court failed to act as a neutral a arbiter when it re-opened the case after both parties rested and directing presentation of evidence. Reversed for a new hearing before a different judge.



- G, H, I, J-

G.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2001-878 (February 8, 2002)
(Juvenile Adjudication)

J.C.T. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2013-87 (November 22, 2013)
(Youthful Offender; Excessive Sentence) Youthful offender guilty plea received 12 year suspended sentence if did not complete treatment program. After new charges, defendant bridged to DOC for 12 years. Appeal argued that sentence should have remained suspended pending further charges. Sentence modified to suspended.

J.F. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2011-514 (October 12, 2011)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Defendant certified as a juvenile and the State appealed. "After the State failed to appear at oral argument"...the case was decided on the briefs, and the certification was upheld.

J.F. v. State, COCA Case No. J-1999-105, (Oct. 1, 1999)
(Juvenile Adjudication, Accomplice Corroboration, accomplices may not be used to corroborate each other)

J.F.M. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2005-549 (September 2, 2005)
(Youthful Offender; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel) Counsel representing 14-year-old for first degree murder rendered ineffective assistance of counsel for failing to have an expert prepared to assist in meeting the juvenile’s burden of proof of amenability for treatment as Youthful Offender. Reversed for new hearing.

J.J.A. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2001-616, Oct. 24, 2001)
(Juvenile Adjudication, Bruton error)

J.L. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2014-326 (July 31, 2014)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Adjudication affirmed but charge modified from Assault and Battery with Dangerous Weapon to Assault and Battery.

J.L.H. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2001-57, (Oct. 2, 2001)
(Juvenile Adjudication, Victim’s Compensation Assessment excessive)

J.M.D. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2016-0745 (December 14, 2016)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Evidence, Sufficiency) Delinquency adjudication reversed with instructions to dismiss. Evidence insufficient to prove “Endeavoring to Perform an Act of Violence.”

J.M.F. v. State, ex rel. Oklahoma County District Court, COCA Case No. MA-2018-296 (April 5, 2018)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Indigent juvenile entitled to transcripts at public expense; trial court can seek reimbursement if parents found able to pay.

J.M.J. v. State, COCA No. J-2000-689, ( August 10, 2000)
(Adult certification reversed)

J.R.L. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2000-1066, (Nov. 30, 2000)
(Youthful Offender, Evidence, psychological evaluation necessary)

J.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2004-662 (October 1, 2004)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Adjudication affirmed, but modified from Burglary 2nd degree to illegal entry.

- K, L -

K.D.E. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2003-504 (September 2, 2003)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Order bridging Appellant to adult sentence was based on a violation report issued by OJA that was subsequently overturned. Appellant ordered back to treatment as Youthful Offender

K.R.J. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2000-481, (July 12, 2000)
(Adult certification reversed for Youthful Offender Hearing)

K.T.L. v. State, J-2011-462 (September 27, 2011)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Abuse of Discretion) District Court’s order denying motion for certification as a juvenile was an abuse of discretion where substantial evidence supported K.T.L.’s motion to be treated as a juvenile. Reversed and remanded for certification as a juvenile.

L.M.P. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2008-02 (May 6, 2008)
(Youthful Offender) Trial court erred in ordering youth to stand trial as adult for Murder I; she demonstrated by preponderance of evidence at trial court that she should be treated as a youthful offender.


- M, N, O -

M.C.E. v. State, COCA Case No. J-1998-1194, (July 16, 1999)
(Evidence, Sufficiency, Malicious Injury to Property)

M.D.M v. State, COCA Case No. J-2010-839 (January 25, 2011)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Trial court abused its discretion in ordering adult sentencing after finding that your could be treated and public could be protected by YO program. Remanded for sentencing as a Youthful Offender.

M.G. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2000-690, (Jan. 11, 2001)
(Juvenile Adjudication, Notice, Service on Parents)

State v. M.W., COCA Case No. JS-2018-0917 (January 3, 2019)
(State Appeals; Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) District judge’s ruling certifying accused for trial as juvenile affirmed.

M.T.G. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2018-402 (July 12, 2018)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Remanded for defendant to be charged as a youthful offender.



- P, Q, R

R.W.P. v. State, COCA Case No. J-1999-1634, (April 6, 2000)
(Juvenile, Lack of Service on Parents)

R.J.T. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2011-394 (October 28, 2011)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) State appealed certification of youth as a juvenile, rather than youthful offender, on arson charges.  No abuse of discretion found; ruling for youth to be prosecuted as a juvenile affirmed.

R.Z.M. v. State, COCA Case No. JS-2015-1076 (March 24, 2016)
(Youthful Offender; Statutory Construction) Element not found in the five very specific requirements for commission of the crime of Forcible Sodomy. Statute can not be enlarged beyond the fair meaning of its language to justify prosecution.


- S, T, U -  

S.H. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2005-542 (October 25, 2005)
(Youthful Offender) State failed to present clear and convincing evidence that Appellant would not reasonably complete the plan of rehabilitation or the public would not be protected if the accused were to be sentenced as a youthful offender. Order for Defendant to stand trial as adult reversed.

S.J.R. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2004-149 (June 23, 2004)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification) Certification as adult on misdemeanor charge vacated.

T.C.S. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2003-1180 (April 1, 2004)
(Juvenile Adjudication/ Acceleration; Evidence - Sufficiency) With no evidence to corroborate the testimony of alleged accomplice, insufficient evidence to support conviction. Reversed and remanded for new trial.

T.A.G. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2000-452, (Oct. 6, 2000)
(Juvenile Adjudication, Sufficiency of Evidence)

T.T. v. State, COCA Case No. J-2014-980 (March 16, 2015)
(Juvenile Adjudication/Certification; Due Process) Record insufficient to demonstrate waiver of jury trial was knowingly and intelligently entered. Remanded


- V, W  - 

Wall, Josh v. State, COCA Case No. F-1998-674, (Sept. 1, 1999)
(Youthful Offender procedures not followed, reversed for new trial)


- X, Y, Z -

Z.N. v. State, COCA Case No. JS-2016-1062 (March 3, 2017)
(State Appeals; Youthful Offender) Certification as a juvenile affirmed.